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Workshops overview

This is what you can expect at our workshops:

  • learning and sharing alongside other parents and carers
  • discussing current, evidence-informed information about autism
  • viewing lived-experience videos from autistic young people
  • exploring processes and strategies parents and carers can use to build effective partnerships with their child’s teachers and school
  • learning about our Planning Tool and how it can support productive information sharing
  • an opportunity to focus on the importance of self-care for parents and carers

At the workshops, experienced facilitators will support parents and carers with any specific needs and provide them with practical tools and resources to take home. These tools and resources may assist with school meetings and NDIS planning.

Watch the following short video clip of a workshop in action.

Workshop Overview

Diversity of autism

  • examines parent’s knowledge of autism and how autism directly impacts their child at home and school
  • investigates strategies to use at home and school to improve learning outcomes

Working together

  • examines ways for parents to strengthen partnerships between home, school and community
  • increases awareness of support and services for families and how to access them
  • explores ways parents can advocate for their child’s needs
  • helps parents develop a plan for after the workshop

Understanding sensory processing

  • explores sensory processing and how sensory needs can impact autistic young people.
  • identifies strategies that can be used to support children experiencing sensory processing issues

Understanding behaviour (only available in 2 Day version of the workshop)

  • examines the function/purpose of behaviour
  • explore tools and strategies to understand and respond helpfully to young people

'What a beautiful, gentle intro to parenting an autistic child and being their best advocate. From the preparatory email to the presentation itself, the neurodivergent-affirming approach was appreciated.' 

One-Day Parent/Carer Workshop, WA 2023

1. Can I join from my phone or do I need a tablet or laptop? What device is best?

Ideally, a laptop or computer will allow you to maximise your experience in terms of using the chat box function and viewing the visuals clearly. The second choice would be a tablet, and as a last resort, it is possible to use a phone, but it is not recommended. If you do not have access to a laptop or computer, we would suggest checking in with either your local library or perhaps your child’s school.

2. Will it be like a webinar?

Unlike a webinar where your only interaction is with the chat box, we aim to create a more interactive environment including discussions and virtual activities. During the virtual workshop, you can connect with the facilitators and other parents and carers via the chat box, live chat and video.

3. What will I need for the workshop? Do I need to download anything?

You will receive a link to a webpage on the Positive Partnerships website with all of the resources available to download as an option. This includes a work booklet and templates you can print off for your sessions. Upon registering if you indicate you do not have a printer, the Team Leader will be in touch to discuss options.

4. Can more than one family member attend using the same computer?

We would love for any other parent, grandparent, or full-time carer from your household to join you. Each of you will need to register for the workshop.

5. Do I need to download anything before the workshop to access Zoom?

You can join a Zoom meeting simply by clicking the meeting or workshop link. You do not need to download Zoom or create an account to participate. However, we recommend ensuring the sound is working on your device. Wearing a headset or earphones can also improve your sound quality when on Zoom.

6. Will there be a cost to these workshops?

All of our online workshops are absolutely free. View the upcoming locations available now and open for registration.

Upcoming Workshops

When registering, we recommend using an internet browser such as Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge. Please note that Microsoft Internet Explorer is not supported.

Upcoming Webinars

View our upcoming webinars