內在感受是我們對身體內部的感應,並 了解這些身體訊號的意思,例如,當我 們感到疼痛或需要去洗手間時。
一些自閉症年青人可能發覺很難識別和 處理這些訊號。這網絡研討會將幫助您 了解如何協助您的孩子留意、處理和回 應他們身體內部的訊號。
然後我們將會探討一些實用的策略來幫 助個人改善內在感受,並討論為什麼這 可能對孩子有幫助。
所有網絡研討會免費參加, 完成後,參加者將獲得一份證書。
晚上 8 時正 - 9時正
星期三 2022年11月23日
晚上 8 時正 - 9時正
Interoception is our sense of what we feel inside our bodies and understand what these body signals mean. For example when we are in pain or need to go to the bathroom.
Some young people on the spectrum may find it hard to recognise and manage these signals. This webinar will support you to understand how to help your child to notice, process and respond to their internal body signals.
We will then look at some practical strategies to help individuals improve interoception and discuss why that might be useful.
All of our webinars are free and participants will receive a certificate after attending the webinar.
There are two different session times to choose from.
Cantonese Webinar:
Tuesday 22nd November 2022
8:00 PM - 9:00 PM AEST
Mandarin Webinar:
Wednesday 23rd November 2022
8:00 PM - 9:00 PM AEST