Positive Partnerships 是由澳洲政府教育部透过 Helping Children with Autism(帮助自闭症儿童)计画资助的一个全国性项目。
Positive Partnerships 与各个家庭、教育工作者和社区合作,为自闭症年轻人加强积极的成果。我们创造联系和机会,令自闭症谱系学生找到归属感,并可在包容的文化背景下茁壮成长。
Positive Partnerships is a national project funded by the Australian Government Department of Education through the Helping Children with Autism program.
At Positive Partnerships, we work in partnership with families, educators and communities to strengthen positive outcomes for young people on the autism spectrum. We create connections and opportunities for an inclusive culture where autistic students belong and thrive.
These resources have been developed with culturally and linguistically diverse communities to support their school-aged children on the autism spectrum.
These translated resources can assist conversations between family members and professionals working with and supporting autistic children.
Positive Partnerships 正式 推出澳洲首个简体中文的免费学习单元。
• 视觉辅助帮助年轻人在家、学校和在社区里的方法
• 视觉辅助如何支援我们每一个人,包括自闭症年轻人
• 展示实用的视觉辅助例子让你尝试
• 完成学习单元后可以领取证书
NEW Online learning opportunity for the Chinese community
Positive Partnerships launched the first
Simplified Chinese module.
Visual supports in Action: Students’ Stories
You will learn about:
• Ways visual supports can support young people at home, at school
and in the community
• How visual supports help everyone, including young autistic people
• Practical examples of visual supports you can try
• Completing the module and accessing a certificate
我们的Autistic Advisory Group(自闭症咨询小组)与来自多元文化及语言社区的多个成员共同合作,制作了这部动画。
Animation - What is autism?
This animation explores the social and communication styles of autistic children as well as their sensory processing needs.
We get to know the characters strengths and interests and their connections to culture and community and what helps them to learn and be independent.
It was developed in collaboration with our Autistic Advisory Group and members of many multicultural and multilingual communities.
All children on the spectrum may have some similarities. This animation explores the diversity of autism in each individual young person.
Positive Partnerships已推出一个全新免费的短讯服务“⾃闭症路上同⾏”。这是专为华人社区而设,让您在照顾自闭症孩子的路途上,可以与人联系,互相支持鼓励。
- 我们即将举办的项目和网络研讨会资料等
- 加强您对自闭症的认知
- 一些实用的资源和连结
如需参加,请发手机短信“Yes(是)”至号码:0481 073 960。
Positive Partnerships have launched a new free text service program, ‘Walking the Autism Journey Together’, which is specifically for the Chinese community to stay connected in supporting your children on the autism spectrum.
You will receive Chinese text messages that will help you to:
- Hear about upcoming webinars and events
- Strengthen your autism knowledge
- Receive links to resources.
To be involved, please send a text saying 'Yes' to 0481 073 960.
Past Webinars

免费中文网络研讨会 执行功能 / Free Chinese Mandarin Webinar - Executive Functioning

免费华人家庭普通话网络研讨会 沟通与自闭症 / Free Chinese Mandarin Webinar Communication and autism

中文(普通话)感官处理网络研讨会第 1 部分 - 理解感官处理 / Chinese (Mandarin) sensory processing webinar Part 1-Understanding Sensory Processing

中文(普通话)感官处理网络研讨会第 2 部分 – 实施感官处理的策略 / Chinese (Mandarin) sensory processing webinar Part 2-Implementing Sensory Strategies

中文网络研讨会-科技与网上学习 / Chinese Webinar – Technology and Online Learning

中文网络研讨会-网络环境中的交友与建立关系 / Chinese Webinar – Online Friendships and Relationships

了解向⾃閉症年青人灌輸性教育及建⽴兩性關係 / Chinese Webinar – Sexuality and Relationships

准备孩子进入中学过渡期及面对毕业后的转变 / Chinese Webinar -Supporting Transitions and changes in the secondary years and beyond
Animation - A Family Journey (Chinese - Simplified translation)
我们与来自多元文化和语言社区的人士合作制作了这部动画故事 故事以一位父亲的视角,回忆叙述最初对患有自闭症的儿子的担忧,以及全家为此走过的历程 故事同时重点突出了在这一过程中,哪些人和什么方式对他们有所帮助.
This animation was made in collaboration with members of culturally and linguistically diverse communities. The story shares a father's perspective as he thinks back on his early concerns for his son and where the autism journey has taken his family. The story also highlights who and what helped them along the way.
Listen to the interview here
(in Cantonese)
2019 World Autism Awareness Month
Will, a father who participated in Positive Partnerships Chinese workshops, was interviewed by SBS radio in recognition of World Autism Awareness Month. Will shared his experience of being a father of a daughter on the autism spectrum. He speaks about attending the Positive Partnerships workshop and feeling encouraged to look at positives and what is possible for his daughter’s future. Will also shared that he found learning more about autism not only helped him to support his child more, but also to support his whole family better.