First Nations people are advised that this website may contain images and voices of people who have passed away.
Children from all backgrounds, countries and levels of society can have a diagnosis of autism. Current data shows that autism is under-diagnosed among indigenous communities. In many areas, autism is unheard of. Other challenges include lack of access to local services or diagnostic assessment tools, an absence of trusted relationships, or the fear of shame and blame.
We worked together with the First Peoples Disability Network to set up a National Aboriginal Reference Group to help improve diagnosis rates and support for indigenous families with autistic children. After whole-of-community consultations, we developed a range of tools and resources designed for First Nations families.
We Look After Our Own Mob: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Experiences of Autism
This is the first report on autism in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. As such, it provides a vital starting point for understanding the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander autistic children and those who care for them. This report was developed in partnership with Macquarie University.
All of our Positive Partnerships resources have been written and developed alongside First Nations families, schools and communities across the country.

What is Autism
Autism information for family and community.

My Child's Storyboard and Story Circle
Download planning templates used to gather children’s individual stories.

Yarning Cards
Positive Partnerships are proud to share these cards with families and school staff to build the home, school and community partnership.

Autism Voices Book
This book is a collection of illustrated valuable insights into the journey experienced by First Nations families.

Reading books
Download our Journeys Over Time comic book and Djarmbi Storybook as resources to support educators and families.

Story Telling Film Clips
Unique story telling animations to share autism related stories of families from First Nations communities.

Yarning with our Mob
A podcast launched by Positive Partnerships - yarning with parents, carers and service providers about autism in Indigenous communities.

Yarning and Sharing Webinar
Yarning about resources to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who are autistic.