“I found it all very valuable. It was just good, that little hint, that little bit of help, that validation that you’re on the right path when things come along. It was good to have someone else saying that. “What about this? What about that?” these little hints and little things”
“[Text2dads] … taught me [to] stand on my own two feet as opposed to depending on my wife for information and she giving me the answers”
Positive Partnerships has recently collaborated with the University of Newcastle on an exciting SMS text based program for fathers of children on the autism spectrum.
Appropriately named ‘Texts 2 Dads’, the program aimed to provide text based information and support to fathers about autism, along with links to Positive Partnerships resources.
A total of 184 dads engaged in the 16 week program, receiving and responding to messages on a range of topics including
- fathers’ knowledge about autism
- their interactions with their child/children
- relationships with sources of formal support
- coping and relationships with their parenting partners (if appropriate)
The overall outcomes of the program were extremely positive.
You can read more about the program and the outcomes by clicking on the report button.
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